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Q: People say that I am too small for football?

A: For any football player to play in the game, they do not have to be the biggest, strongest or fastest to be successful, this is especially true at the youth level. At any youth level many players have not fully developed and still have plenty of time to grow in height. It is more important to display a positive mental attitude, this goes a long way in helping not only your game but your teammates as well. For any young footballers there are many aspects of the game which have to be monitored in order to succeed.

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Football Agents Licence Applications

The process for becoming a Licensed Agent is relatively straightforward and begins with your application to the national association of the country of which you are a national (in accordance with Article 6 of the FIFA Players' Agent Regulations).

The FA has an 'application window' system to ensure that our applicants have maximum time to undertake the relevant Criminal Records Bureau ('CRB') checks and prepare adequately for their examination.

Please visit the FA Web Site here to start your application